Jan Carlzon, the dynamic president and CEO of Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), is considered one of today's most remarkable business leaders His stunning turnaround success with SAS is a triumph on the scale of Iаъыиоacocca's resurrection of Chrysler In Moments of Truth , a runaway bestseller in Scandinavia, Carlzon tells in an anecdotal, accessible style how he reversed the fortunes of three major companies and spells out his bold, trendsetting approach to meeting the demands of бйщгюtoday's customer-driven economy: how to set strategy, how to restructure an organizaton so customer needs take priority, how to motivate and communicate with "frontline" employees dealing most closely with customers Moments of Truth is also the personal account of Carlzon's innovative business style-a style that has, according to the London Financial Times, "drawn the gurus of modern management theory to Scandinavia…like bees to a honey-pot" Автор Jan Carlzon.