
Marketing in Russia: Challenges Large Companies Face Издательство: Adelphi (London), 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 216 стр инфо 13872l.

Редактор: Александр Браверман For most managers of Western companies Russian marketing remains enigmatic As a rule, standard marketing approaches do not work and the developing economy almost daily crаъыисeates new peccadilloes for the marketologist However, most socioeconomic problems, which deterred the flow of foreign capital into Russia in the last few years, have been solved The book describes marketing alternatives It starts with an outline of development trenбйщддds and examines the most lucrative branches of the economy, focusing on access to reliable marketing data sources On the practical side, the authors provide first-hand coverage of oil and gas marketing strategies, the marketing of services (using Aeroflot, the national passenger airline, as an example), telecommunications, and consumer goods (the competition among automakers) The team of authors includes: Yevgeny Bacurin (Aeroflot) Boris Brodsky (Higer School of Economics) Yevgenyбрчих Gavrilenkov (Higer School of Economics) Dmitry Ivanov (Director, MIP Consultansy) Alexander Izhorsky (Russian Marketing Association) Alexander Kanistcev (Aeroflot) Leonid Klockov (MIP Consultansy) Yaroslav Kuzminov (Rector, Higer School of Economics) Valery Kuznetsov (MIP Consultansy) Vladimir Leksin (Institute of System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Science) Vjaceslav Liukmanov (Bacelor of Economics) Igor Mayorov (MIP Consultansy) Alexander Shvetsov (Svjazinvest) Olga Tankova (Rosneft) Yevgeny Terpugov (Rosneft) Vladislav Tsvetkov (General Director, Research Center of the Russian Marketing Association) Andrei Yakovlev (Vice-Rector Higer School of Economics) Yevgeny Yasin (former Economics Minister).

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